Laurent Lamothe

Interview with Forbes Magazine

Je suis ravi de vous inviter à regarder ma dernière interview avec Devin Thorpe, où nous discutons des stratégies de développement pour aider les pays émergents. Je crois que les pays à faible revenu peuvent prospérer en mettant en place de nouvelles micro-taxes sur les transactions de télécommunications et bancaires. Pour qu’un pays comme Haïti prospère, il doit tirer parti de la technologie. À travers le monde, le téléphone mobile stimule l’ubérisation des économies. Nous le constatons notamment dans le secteur informel, qui représente une opportunité pour un pays de commencer à collecter des revenus.

I am excited to invite you to watch my latest interview with Devin Thorpe, where we discuss development strategies to help the emerging world.

I believe that low-income countries, can thrive by implementing new micro levies on telecom and banking transactions. For a country like Haiti to thrive, it must leverage technology.  Across the globe, the mobile phone is driving the uberization of economies. We see this most notable in the informal sector, which is an opportunity for a country to begin collecting revenue.  Applying a micro-levy on calls, creates a significant amount of revenues, especially in sectors that fall out of the national tax system. In this way, a micro-contribution could make a mega difference, helping governments fast-track development. Which means it functions better and delivers on its obligations to the people. Read more about this in my interview with Devin Today, Lamothe operates LSL Worldwide Initiative, advising low and moderate income countries. He points to Singapore and Estonia as countries that have successfully accelerated their economies through digitization.