Perpetuate the Heritage of Chavez

Il est important de perpétuer l’héritage de Chavez en poursuivant son travail et ses idéaux. Sa vision consistant à lutter pour la dignité humaine et la souveraineté nationale doit être maintenue et renforcée. Il nous faut également nous inspirer de son profond respect envers les opprimés et continuer à défendre leurs droits. Chavez était un grand ami d’Haïti et il est crucial de faire perdurer cette amitié en continuant à soutenir le peuple vénézuélien dans leur deuil. Ensemble, nous pouvons honorer sa mémoire et bâtir un monde plus juste et é

It is a sad day for me, but I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about this great man that has just left us, Hugo Chavez. What comes to mind spontaneously is the word respect. Chavez had a deep sense of respect. Respect for the people, respect for the less fortunate, respect for our country, respect for all the oppressed around the world. He had a very special relation with the people, whether it be his or the one of other countries. I remember him portraying the Haitians as an « angelic people. He had great compassion for us and he was especially fond of our country, which he knew the history in its finest details. He never missed an occasion to mention Alexandre Pétion and the help the latter gave to Simón Bolivar during the Los Cayos expedition in 1816. He was very grateful of what Haiti did for his country. In this sad day, it is my turn to express my solidarity with Venezuela. The world has lost a great leader. He is gone physically, but he will stay with us in our soul, our spirit and in our prayers. And for his heritage to perpetuate, I think we need to pursue the work he has begun, the fight for human dignity, the fight for national sovereignty, and most of all, I believe we can be inspired by the profound respect he had for the oppressed. It is with a hurting mix of grief and admiration that I say farewell to a great friend of Haiti…  

En parlant de Chavez, vous pourriez être intéressé par les articles suivants sur Wikipédia : – Hugo Chávez : pour en savoir plus sur sa vie et sa carrière politique. – Simón Bolívar : pour découvrir l’influence de Bolívar sur Chavez et l’importance de leur relation. –